Well-Being at the Workplace

On the 22nd of January, 2019 I guest hosted a Twitter Chat powered by @paper.li on Twitter that was hosted by the lovely Magda.

The week before, I was invited to participate as a guest for the #BizHeroes weekly Twitter chat. With under 400 followers on my personal Twitter account, I was really honoured that Magda found my participation in the chat valuable which resulted in my invitation! I was absolutely honoured and of course I agreed!

Now the challenge was to think of a topic I wanted to discuss the following week & create questions for them. Business Twitter Chats are a daily occurrence on Twitter & do also happen multiple times a day! I’ve only recently begun being more active in these chats and they’ve been very rewarding. But a topic I didn’t see being discussed was Mental Health, so I decided to start the conversation!

The topic of the Twitter Chat was “Well-Being at the Workplace”


I created a total of 8 questions that were tweeted by the @paper.li account. They were as follows:

ICEBREAKER: What is more ideal, working for yourself or being employed by another company? Why?

1. Do you ever find yourself feeling low & just not motivated at the workplace?

2. Do you think your mental health is pivotal to the success of your job or business?

3. Do you find it difficult balancing your personal and professional life?

4. Have you ever suffered the ‘compare and despair’ phenomenon?

5. Is being mentally strong a prerequisite for achieving success in your job or business? Is it innate, or can you learn to be resilient?

6. How can you avoid feeling anxious (which can lead to chronic anxiety) or feeling low (that can lead to depression) from the pressures at the workplace?

7. How can we manage our emotions at the workplace?

I’d love for anyone reading to answer these questions in the comments below. It’s imperative for us as professionals, whether we are employed or self-employed to be introspective & monitor our mental health.

Once you’ve answered the questions yourself, please do click this link to find out what the participants of the chat had to say about well-being at the workplace: https://twitter.com/i/moments/1087825571239940096

If you don’t already, I’d love for you to follow me on Twitter & come have a chat with me! You can find me here: http://www.twitter.com/thekryptikrose

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