Don’t Be One of the 63% of Entrepreneurs Who Burn Out

*Note*: This post contains affiliate links. You won’t pay a penny more, but I’ll get a small commission if you buy. Rest assured I only share SaaS tools I fully believe in.

Leaving the 9-5 monotony is almost every working person’s dream scenario. The thought of being your own boss is an exciting idea, but the realities of being an entrepreneur are far from rosy.

The truth is that as an entrepreneur, you work longer and harder hours, pulling all-nighters you’d never agree to whilst working FOR a boss. 

As an employee, you ensure your contract allows you a decent amount of time off work. But as an entrepreneur, unfortunately, you neglect to take time off work

You’ve given into the myth that to be successful, you’ve got to keep grinding, day in and day out, with no respite and no help. 

This mindset is an extremely toxic one that many entrepreneurs are fed daily by business gurus. Every success story testimony tells you that unless you put your blood, sweat, and tears into your business, you risk losing it all.

While hard work is a given when it comes to entrepreneurship, it doesn’t have to come at the expense of your mental and physical well-being. 

When you inevitably burn out with such a mindset, your business isn’t exactly set for success, now Is it?  

Though burnout isn’t technically a medical diagnosis, when the Mayo Clinic has something to say about it, you need to take notice.

They say that burnout is a special type of work-related stress that can be identified by physical or emotional exhaustion.

This also involves a feeling of reduced accomplishment, loss of identity, or cynicism toward work you previously enjoyed. Essentially, imposter syndrome. 

According to The Hustle’s survey of more than 300 entrepreneurs, 63% of business owners reported that they’ve dealt with or are currently dealing with burnout.

What you can take away from this is that your business’ success doesn’t have to come at the expense of your mental and physical health. 

It’s extremely important to have a healthy work-life balance to ensure you and your business are in it for the long haul. 

Giving yourself much-needed time off work allows your body and mind the opportunity to reset, decompress, and return to work refreshed. You’ll no longer resent your decision of becoming an entrepreneur or even your business. 

But, the truth is that as an entrepreneur, it’s easier said than done. Right?

You may be nodding your head in agreement with me, but are afraid to take time off yourself. It seems like an impossible dream because there’s so much to get done.

But that’s always going to be the case. You aren’t a human-machine hybrid (yet!) 

You need breaks and you need to prepare your business with strategies that will help keep your business afloat and your stress levels down while you’re away. You deserve time to enjoy yourself and come back rejuvenated. 



Take time to analyze your business by looking at your day-to-day operations with someone you trust. Through this, you’ll be able to assess how much time you can take off work without any chaos.

A great way to make this assessment is to create lists with the following:

  • Daily Tasks you complete
  • Tasks that can be done in advance
  • Trusted people that can complete these tasks in your absence 
  • If no staff, find solutions for these tasks


If you’re short-staffed or a solopreneur, you can STILL take time off work. I promise you. 

With the influx of automated SaaS business tools on the market, you can easily automate your business. 

Automation won’t only make your life a breeze in your absence, but also while you’re on the “grind”. It’ll help you focus more on aspects of your business that were previously neglected. 

Automating your business is a cost-effective way to have your business operational and set for success. As a small business especially, automation is your cheapest and best employee!

Read More: Creative Automation: The Future is Here

Read More: Best AI Tool to Kick Manual Data Entry to the Curb


If you’re a business owner that has the capital to hire, make sure you’re geared with a trustworthy team. A team that can painlessly run your business during your time off.

But many solopreneurs and small business owners don’t have the budget to hire. Trust me, I know the ins and outs of “being your own boss”.  

Been there and…still there! 

But you know what? I have a way out for you! Just because you work alone or have a small team, doesn’t mean your customers need to know that. 

Easily offer a personal customer service experience without hiring employees, especially while you’re away. 


With a minimal monthly fee, you can have all the perks of a fully operational business venture by getting yourself a Virtual Office, without hiring any staff.


A virtual office is often found within business centers, flexible offices, and coworking spaces and it offers most things a physical office does, except virtually. 

What does this mean?

Think about it this way. 2020 taught us that most businesses operate pretty well without a physical office. 

But, you still need an address for your mail, receptionist services, and flexible access to meeting rooms, day offices, or collaboration spaces (because there are only so many Zoom calls that you can take). 

And that’s exactly what a virtual office gives you. 

To reiterate, a virtual office is a service that gives you a company address, a place to receive mail, and on-demand access to meeting rooms and office space, without having to pay for full-time office rental.


The beauty of having a virtual office is that you’re not burdened with high rents on dedicated office spaces and forking out thousands of dollars to deck it out with tech and office furniture. 

With a virtual office, you can easily add or subtract services you need for your business to run smoothly on demand; especially in your absence.


You can have a virtual receptionist answer the phone while you’re taking time off, allowing you the capability to provide excellent customer service without hiring.  

Your virtual receptionist will answer the phone as an employee of your business and your customers will never be the wiser. You’re also not parting ways with thousands of dollars on dedicated customer service reps. Win-win!


You can also have your mail sent directly to the virtual office through a dedicated business address. The virtual office service can then hold your mail until you’re available and then through their mail forwarding service, send it to you when you’re ready. 

This not only ensures a professional business front to your customers but also gives you peace of mind that your business is still operational. 


The best and most cost-effective service that‘ll help prepare your business for your eventual time off is Alliance Virtual Offices. The virtual office solution that truly has it all. 

With over 1200 locations globally, they help innovative businesses grow faster with high-quality flexible workspaces, market-leading tech infrastructure, and professional receptionist support. 


Alliance Virtual Offices are in 44 countries with over 1200+ offices and always growing; from Australia to Japan, United States to Mexico, United Kingdom to Qatar and so many more!


As an entrepreneur, you can now work more flexibly, taking time off when needed and saving money by building your perfect virtual office with Alliance Virtual Offices

Whether you’re utilizing a Live Receptionist to help with phones while you’re away or connecting your team with a Virtual Business Phone Number or even having a dedicated physical business address with a Virtual Office, Alliance Virtual Offices has the tools to help establish your business as a trusted and professional business.

You deserve time off now and again as an entrepreneur. Don’t let yourself resent the business you lovingly started up. Make the smart choice and consider how Alliance Virtual Offices can streamline your business operations; whether you’re away or not! 


If you’re interested in having a virtual office but unsure about what services your business needs, fill out this form. 

A representative from Alliance Virtual Offices will reach out to you and will help you find the perfect solution for your business. 

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