A.I: “Employee” of The Future Your SME Never Knew it Needed

It’s without a doubt that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay. With the emergence of AI, 37% of businesses and organizations already employ the technology. 

While the rise of AI will eliminate 85 million jobs, it will create 97 million new ones by 2025 according to Gartner.

PwC Global reports indicate that the total contribution of AI to the global economy is expected to reach a whopping $15.7 trillion by 2030; currently more than China and India combined.

AI is set to be the key source of transformation, disruption and competitive advantage in today’s fast changing economy.

The future is now and AI is a big contributor in skyrocketing businesses from the ground up. It’s geared to be the driving force for transformation, disruption and competitive advantage in today’s tumultuously fast changing economy. 

AI undertakes mundane tasks that waste billable hours and frees human intelligence for tasks machine learning hasn’t mastered yet.

According to CB Insights, Startup companies that used artificial intelligence received more than $7.4 billion in funding during Q2 2019. This is only projected to rise in the coming years. 

AI is becoming more familiar to businesses on small and large scales, as many tools and skills are now AI-friendly. 

It’s also a lot more scalable since AI is cheaper than hiring talent. This allows success to be more achievable for smaller businesses than ever before. 

It’s also proving to be a useful tool for workflow efficiency, overall faster processes and bringing in excellent ROI’s (returns on investment).

Businesses can drive a wedge between themselves and their competition by quickly adopting AI in their workforce. Automating workflows on any scale permits businesses to become more responsive and agile to ecosystem changes.

One such tool for solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, small to medium enterprises is Bitskout, a UNESCO awarded software platform that allows teams to double their productivity and engagement at work by making their tools smarter.

The simple UI (user interface) of Bitskout allows any user, regardless of expertise, to set up a smart plugin powered by AI, and add it to their tools of choice within minutes. Using Bitskout requires no-coding & no-training!

Bitskout enables teams to finally automate mundane data entry tasks, eliminating the hiring of additional talent to do admin work. This plug-n-play AI tool frees up valuable team-members time to achieve more complex goals. 

What’s even better is that with pay-per-use affordable pricing, Bitskout gives democratized access to AI technology for those with smaller budgets, making AI accessible to everyone.

To start your free trial with Bitskout today, click here or

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