SHORBY: Say Goodbye to Single Link Bios

Do you have multiple links you’d like to share with your audience, but don’t know how? I have a solution for you!

Social Media platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook all provide you an option in the bio to add ONE link to a website of your choice. But, this doesn’t help us when we have multiple links we’d like to share, like our brands website, blog posts and other content!

Social Media platforms only give us space for one link

I always had to juggle between one link or the other in my bios, which wasn’t a streamlined process in the least. We’re always pointing people to our ‘link in the bio’ on Instagram, but wouldn’t it be great if we could link more than one?!

That’s what instigated my search for finding a service that ‘linked’ multiple links under ONE link. While I came across a link-grouping service by Bitly, I was disheartened to find out that it was no longer operable.

Different layouts you can have on SHORBY

BUT, luckily, I stumbled across SHORBY, a service that creates a customisable dashboard under ONE LINK that allows you to include multiple links. You can also include ways to be contacted, like email, Skype or your phone number!

SHORBY offers you a 7 day FREE trial, after which you need to choose between 3 different price plans.

Three different subscription plans to choose from

I personally have gone with the ‘Start’ plan at $9/month, as it meets my needs.

This is how my SHORBY dashboard looks like. I’ve linked my blog and four books on Amazon

Initially, I wasn’t too keen on paying money for sharing links. But, when I saw the amount of traffic and conversions I was getting thanks to my SHORBY link, the decision was a no-brainer!

Your link will look something like this:

Although SHORBY markets itself as a great solution for Instagram (which it is!), it works just as well for any other Social Media platform you’re on, whether it’s Twitter or Facebook. You can use ONE LINK that houses multiple other links, thanks to SHORBY, anywhere you can think of!

A great feature of SHORBY is that your ‘link dashboard’ is completely customisable. SHORBY offers a vast range of colours and link styles for you to choose from. This feature allows you to create a dashboard that matches your brand!

A great range of colours and link styles to choose from!

Another great thing about SHORBY is that it also includes a ‘link shortening’ service. It allows you to measure engagement metrics, like click-through’s and impressions, all on SHORBY! I was so happy about having all my link analytics under one roof.

The best thing about SHORBY’s ‘link shortening’ service is that the shortened link is automatically copied to your clipboard. All you have to do is paste! Talk about awesome!

You can measure your reach through SHORBY’s link analytics

If all of this sounds good to you, then give SHORBY a go! You’ll receive a 7 day FREE trial to test it out. Just set up your dashboard and watch the traffic roll in!

If you’d like to give SHORBY a try, just click the image below!

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  1. The Martian Diaries 👽The War Of The Worlds Sequel (@martiandiaries)

    Thanks Mia Rose this looks well worth checking out. I had not heard of Shorby before today so thanks for this very clear article on what it can do.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. M I A ✤ R O S E

      My pleasure! I’m so glad you found value in my article 😊


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